Start of term
The Academy reopens for pupils in Years 1 to 5 on Thursday 3rd September at 8:45am for Years 4 & 5 and 8:50 for Years 1 to 3. We look forward...
“It was amazing. I loved her sharing her story with us. It was really inspiring!” Thank you, @booksandchokers for inspiring our Year 6 pupils to think about their own & others’ differences in a whole new light @_knightsof @JAGS_Prep @BessemerGrange @HPAEastDulwich #AllWeCanBe
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Old police station, Lordship Lane, East Dulwich. Our #LocalHistory chair recently gave two lessons to Y6 @HPAEastDulwich on their neighbourhood's past. This is the site of their school.
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Old police station, Lordship Lane, East Dulwich. Our #LocalHistory chair recently gave two lessons to Y6 @HPAEastDulwich on their neighbourhood's past. This is the site of their school.
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We are Outstanding again 🎉🎉🎉@HarrisFed #ofstedoutstanding Take a look at our outstanding Ofsted Report here:
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“It was amazing. I loved her sharing her story with us. It was really inspiring!” Thank you, @booksandchokers for inspiring our Year 6 pupils to think about their own & others’ differences in a whole new light @_knightsof @JAGS_Prep @BessemerGrange @HPAEastDulwich #AllWeCanBe
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Thanks to everyone who came to our Summer Fayre at the weekend & to all of the organisers. A lovely day 🎉🎉🎉
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So much fun at our PTA Fun Run on Sunday . Congrats to the staff runners & welcome to our new Head of Academy Ms Liddicoat 🎉
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Last Afternoon Tea for the Spring Term. It was a special one to bid Mrs Johnson farewell. #harrisfed
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Have I told you, you are creative? Have I told you, you are brave? Have I told you, you Kind? Have I told you, you are smart? Have I told you never to give up? Mrs Johnson's leaving message to the children in assembly. #friendofhped #oftheeising
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Reception enjoying their learning working scientifically - testing which materials is magnetic. #Harrisfed
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What an incredible atmosphere in HPAD this morning! Fitness circuit with Frederick Afrifa, International sprinter and two time national gold medalist. Thank you Sports for schools and parents for the sponsorship. #harrisfed @fao19_2 #sportsforschools
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We are looking forward to seeing our children's expression when they see the playground tomorrow. Thank you parents and to Southwark for the CGS grant. You made this possible. #Harrisfed #CGSgrant.
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Happy Children’s Mental Health week! Parent workshop and year 3/4 workshops taking place in school this week @Place2Be
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Year 4 sharing their super powers of being resilient with us today. Such beautiful voices #harrisfed
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Year 2 and 4 loved their science experience in the dome! #harrisfed #scienceenrichments
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We joined Michael, our lollipop man to celebrate a milestone birthday. The children presented a special card and gift to Michael for doing a wonderful Job, helping to keep our community safe. #harrisfed #80thbirthday
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Spanish club shared their learning so far with SLT. We loved their enthusiasm and the progress the children have made so far learning another language! Well done 👏 #harrisfed
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Beautiful dragons designed by Reception children this week for Chinese New Year celebration. Well done to Willow and Chestnut class.#harrisfed
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Afternoon tea with powerful learners and powerful teacher of the week. Always great hearing all about the incredible learning happening in all year groups. #Harrisfed #afternoontea
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Excellent CPD on using collaborative approach in teaching. We loved the coaching session today! @MikeTweetham #harrisfed
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Welcome from the Head of Academy
Welcome to Harris Primary Academy East Dulwich. This is one of East Dulwich’s newest schools and is part of The Harris Federation of Schools which has an established track record of high standards. In 2017, the Academy was graded OUTSTANDING in all areas by OFSTED.
Children are at the heart of all we do. We are a happy, welcoming and inclusive school, supporting a rich diversity of families in our area. Our vision - Ambition For All - recognises the importance of the relationship between school and home in children’s development. Parents/carers are welcome as partners in their child’s education and there is a strong parent group who work hard to promote the school, raise funds and support learning.
We provide a vibrant learning environment which nurtures and supports children. Pupils are encouraged to be responsible for their learning, to grow in confidence and become independent. In recognition of the work in this area, the school received UNICEF's Rights Respecting School Award in 2017.
We offer an exciting and engaging curriculum where teachers and pupils work together to ensure high quality learning experiences that enable every pupil to achieve their very best. This includes well-structured lessons, opportunities to learn to play a musical instrument, to use new technologies, to learn outside the classroom through engaging educational visits and to learn away from home through high quality residential trips in Key Stage 2.
I hope that this website gives you all the information you need about our Academy. If you are starting to make decisions about your child’s education, please do book an appointment at one of our open mornings so that you can see for yourself what we have on offer.
Sarah Stevens-Cox
Head of Academy